Trophy Bass 4
For a big taste of what Trophy Bass 4 has to offer, download this new demo of the game. It lets you fish a select area of Lake Marion, South Carolina, one of the new lakes in the game. You can try for bass, catfish, panfish, even haul in a striper if you're lucky! Try out the various 3D views, including the new Floating Camera.

Trophy Bass 4 is a fun, challenging, and highly accurate bass fishing simulation based on real lakes, real lake conditions, and real bass behavior. To succeed, you will need to consider the weather, season, water conditions, and many other factors that affect how real bass act. What you learn playing Trophy Bass 4, seeing the Pro video tips, and reading the 'How To' multimedia bass fishing reference will be equally useful on real fishing trips...and vice versa.
Minimum System Requirements:
- Pentium 166+
- 32MB RAM
Published by: Sierra - View official site
Downloads Thus Far: 5183
Date Added: 11-May-2002
Visitor Rating: 7.57 (from 7 votes) - Add your rating
File Size: 11MB
File Type: Playable Demo
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